Policies and Procedures

1.  Enrollment for Weekly Lessons – By registering for lessons at the Music Learning Center the student/parent understands and agrees to the following policies. Lessons are continuous throughout the year. See each item below for important details. 
2.  Lesson Management System (LMS) - Parents and students should use their online “Account Dashboard” whenever they need to make changes to their schedule. (see important details below). The LMS can also be used to message with your teacher, update your credit card payment information, and more. 
3.  Lesson Payments are made on the 1st of each month by automated charge to the credit card you entered during registration (VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER/AMEX). Monthly fees are based on the number of lesson days that occur in each particular month (usually 4, but sometimes 3 or 5). From your “Account Dashboard” you may view each upcoming month’s charges, as well as past transactions.
4.  Absences & Makeup Lessons – Students are eligible for a maximum of 6 makeup lessons from September to June. To be eligible for a makeup lesson the student must cancel it from their “Account Dashboard” a minimum of one day prior to the absence, including during holiday periods when MLC is still open for lessons.  The MLC office and instructors cannot guarantee that missed lessons may be made up at a convenient time for the student. Makeup lessons may be completed either in-person or online. Students must be currently enrolled for weekly lessons in order to use makeup lesson credit to schedule additional lesson time. Makeup lessons must be completed prior to August 31st of each year. Students are responsible for scheduling their own makeups from their online account. Once a student has scheduled a makeup it cannot be canceled or rescheduled. Payments for lessons that are missed cannot be applied towards future monthly charges.
5.  The Annual Registration and Activities Fee for 2024/25 is $35.00 each for the first and second family member who might register for lessons. The Fee is waived for any additional family members after the first two. The Registration and Activities Fee reserves the student’s weekly lesson time and allows for their participation in recitals, Open Mic Nights, Bring-A-Friend Week, and other MLC events.  Currently enrolled students are automatically charged the registration fee annually during the first week of August, for the upcoming MLC calendar year (September – August).
6.  July/August Scheduling & Cancellation Policies - During July & August students will not be charged for cancellations that the office has been notified of by E-mail at least (3) or more days prior to the 1st of the new month.  Students are eligible for two additional cancellations that are eligible for a makeup during the months of July & August, provided that the original lesson has been canceled by the previous day.
7.  Holidays - The Music Learning Center does not follow the same holiday schedule as the local schools.  Our 2024-2025 holiday closings are:
Labor Day (9/2/24); Thanksgiving: Thur. 11/28 & Fri. 11/29; December 24th & 25th; January 1st; Memorial Day (5/26/25); July 4th & 5th 2025.
8.  Teacher Absences - If an instructor is unavailable to teach a particular lesson, MLC will arrange for a highly qualified substitute teacher. The substitute will follow a lesson plan created by the student’s regular teacher. In the rare event that a substitute cannot be arranged, the lesson will be eligible for a makeup (see #3 above).
9.  Lateness - Students who are late cannot be guaranteed their full lesson time.  Instructors will wait up to 15 minutes for a student who is not on time. Online lessons that are interrupted due to technical issues with the student’s electronic devices cannot be made up. 
10. Studio Closings due to Weather: In the event of a studio closing all lessons will be completed with your teacher online – login to your “Account Dashboard” and select “Video Lesson Room”.  Studio closings will be announced on the www.musiclearningcenter.org “homepage” and on the MLC Voicemail Message (203-748-1444). Local school closings and delayed openings do not automatically affect the MLC schedule. Additional information about “Winter Storm Procedures” may be viewed on the MLC website under “Current Student Info”.

11.  Office Telephone & E-mail - All calls should be made to The MLC OFFICE (203) 748-1444.   You may also contact the office via e-mail at: bssvpr@zhfvpyrneavatpragre.bet.  Please enable your e-mail software to accept messages from that address so that you will receive MLC’s Newsletters and other important notifications.
12.  NSF Charges - A $25.00 service charge will automatically be applied for any payment that is returned NSF (non-sufficient funds) or otherwise declined.  If the account is not made current within 5 days of the student/parent having been notified then lessons will be suspended.
13.  Mid-Year Changes of Weekly Lesson Day/Time – Occasionally a student may require a permanent change of schedule during the school year (example: there is a conflict with a seasonal sports schedule). Parents/students should login to their “Account Dashboard” and select “Change Time or Teacher” in order to view other lesson days and times that may be available.  A lesson schedule cannot be reserved for students who must either temporarily change their weekly schedule, or withdraw from lessons at any time during the year. Students who have withdrawn from lessons, and later resume lessons during the same school year, are not required to pay an additional registration fee. 

14.  Withdrawal – Students intending to withdraw from lessons may do so from their “Account Dashboard” any time prior to the 1st day of a new calendar month – doing so will cancel any further monthly charges.  Paid registration and monthly lesson fees are non-refundable. Makeup lesson credit must be scheduled and completed prior to the student’s last regularly scheduled lesson. The MLC and instructors reserve the right to remove a student from the schedule if two (2) or more consecutive lessons are missed without prior notice having been given.
15.  Child Supervision - Parents should bring their children into the MLC WAITING AREA when arriving for a lesson, and wait with them until the instructor arrives at the appointed time. If a parent chooses to run an errand or wait in their car, please be sure to return to the WAITING AREA before the conclusion of the lesson.  Parents are always welcome to sit in on lessons at any time.  Instructors’ studio assignments are posted in the waiting area.
16.  Recital Photography/Video – Parents of enrolled students hereby grant MLC permission to take recital photographs and videos of the student to use in press releases, social media, brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional materials the school creates. Permission is also hereby granted for the school to copyright such photographs in its name. Student names will not appear with photos without the prior written consent of the parent.

17.  Announcements & Policy Changes - Parents and/or students are responsible for reading all MLC e-mails and newsletters which may contain important announcements and other information. MLC reserves the right to periodically revise its policies.
Music Learning Center, Inc., 425 Main Street, Danbury, Connecticut 06810 

Last revision: 6/21/24